Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hunger, misery kill 45-year old in Butuan

Contributing editor

BUTUAN CITY—Did misery or hunger kill 45-year old Fernando Abella Jr.?

Fondly called by neighbors as “Junior” or “Ronnie Po,” Abella purportedly died of hunger, said his friend and drinking buddy, trisikad driver Dionisio Tagongon.

Abella, whose family was said to have owned a big tract of land in Agusan, ran away when he was a little boy and ended up doing errands for a measly fee in the public market here.

Tagongon told this paper that Abella would often tell him stories about his grandfather who died without having to leave in his will how his big tract of land would be divided to his children.

This trouble Junior’s father a lot resulting to his suicide. The true story, later learned by Junior, was that the land was already titled and transferred to his father’s brother without Junior’s family knowing it.

This truth affected Junior’s sensibilities that he started to skipped his meals and drink a lot, continued Tagongon, until that fateful day in the publkic market when Junior started spitting blood and collapsed.

When brought to the hospital, Tagongon could only shed a tear for his friend and calm him with the words: “Pahulay na bay, kapoy na kaayo ta puyo kalibutan.”