Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Statement on the death of 21 journalists in Maguindanao

THE hostage-taking and killing of 21 media members in Maguindanao last Nov. 23 is a horrible illustration of a social order gone awry, an inhumane act and unequalled in recent history.

Those working journalists killed in the line of duty were only doing their job as correspondents, innocent of the political rivalry and were not even partakers of the culture of violence already happening in the territory.

We, who felt no safer even as we are away from the same danger, are also distressed and mourn the death of our colleagues who have become victims of this senseless violence and carnage.

We are also alarmed that media can now be a target of blatant assault of political enmities. The fact, that 21 of our colleagues are dead and others still missing highlights the state of political warlordism and their ugly grapple for power still being observed in some areas of the country.

We hope that government authorities will go after the persons responsible for the acts, charge and prosecute them for the crimes. May there be no more knee-jerk response but a permanent commitment by this regime to uphold our democratic ideals and protection of all working journalists.

The media, however passionate we are of our work in spreading news and information, is always neutral. We are public servants and even unfortunate volunteers who sometimes become victims of warring people of influence and power who espouse the culture of impunity, with no sense of responsibility and respect for human life.

Online editor
The Philippine Preview
Board of director, NUJP-Ozamiz City
Pioneer, Misamis Occidental News Bloggers atbp.(MONBA)