Monday, November 23, 2009

Message of thanks from Fr. Michael Sinnott

November 20, 2009.

Writing the date above was the easiest part of writing this note. I am trying to think where to begin and how I can possibily find words to thank adequately all the people who prayed for me while I was in captivity and worked to help to get my release.

I have bee amazed since I came out to learn about the amount of coverage my kidnapping got - not only in the Philippines and Ireland but in many other countries as well. And by coverage I mean not only the publicity but especially the number of people who were praying for me, organising rallies, prayer vigils, Masses and other activities - and that the Columbans even fasted and prayed for a day ! I am truly humbled by it all as I don't feel I did anything that any other Columban would not have done in the same circumstances. It must have been harder on those who, like Fr Pat O'Donoghue (Columban superior in the Philippines) and Bishop Manny Carbajar CSSR (of Pagadian) and others, worked so tirelessly my release. My ordeal lasted only a month while many Columbans, like those in Pakistan, are working in a constant state of tension which must be much worse.

I am afraid I have not conveyed the thanks I feel but in summary let me simplly say a very, very sincere thank you to all who prayed and helped to get my release. I hope I may be able to do so personally to many of you when we meet.

Again, many, many thanks,

Fr Mick Sinnott.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Fr. Mick Sinnott was released last Nov. 12, a month and a day after he was kidnapped in Pagadian City. A simple solidarity and thanksgiving program is being prepared by the Interfaith Forum for Solidarity and Peace and the staff of Hangop Kabataan Foundation on Nov. 26, timed on Fr. Mick's homecoming arrival.)
