Wednesday, July 9, 2008

GADTC inks MOA with SCU for extension education program

Tangub News Desk

TANGUB CITY—The city-run Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) will soon become an extension campus of San Carlos University (SCU) in Cebu City.

GADTC assistant school administrator for academics Ines Adolfo told this paper that a memorandum of agreement (MOA) has been signed for the said partnership.

Under the MOA, SCU will extend their academic teachings to GADTC to broaden post graduate courses to be offered in the said school soon.

This partnership is exceptional and a rare opportunity, added Adolfo, as she explained SCU, as a center of excellence, will be able to render to Tangubanons the same distinction as that of their students in Cebu City.

Adolfo further explained an arrangement has been made as to the accommodation of SCU professors who will come and teach GADTC’s post graduate courses.

But for the meantime, there are GADTC instructors now taking their doctorates who will soon obligate themselves to the students for the said partnership.

GADTC is set to celebrate its 25 years of existence in 2009, with more courses being offered, which includes Bachelor of Science in Criminology, Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication.

By next year, a high school for Culture and Arts and a kindergarten school will be opened.