Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dads ok P2 fare hike for motorcabs

Senior reporter

The City Council recently approved a request forwarded by a motorcycle group pyling the city proper for a P2 fare increase last week.

Once implemented and the fare matrix is issued, the present fare of P9 will then take effect.

But this increase, according to Councilor Arnold Gavenia, is only transitory, as it is pursuant only through a resolution and not through an ordinance, because of certain factors, like the deviant gasoline price in the market.

The P2 increase was permitted after the committee on public utilities, transportation, communications and franchising (CPUTCF) chaired by Gavenia found it “reasonable,” thus the provision of P2 for the first kilometer and an additional P.50 for every succeeding kilometer.

The approved resolution likewise mandated a one-peso discount for students and P1.80 for senior citizens and persons with disability.

This move followed an earlier request by PITDOCON federated president Jesuseller Duterte, who said that gasoline nowadays cost P55.11 and the riding public should understand the increase is just and sensible.

Duterte adds that as a way of appreciation to the council’s move, all motorcab drivers will offer a “bonus” to the riding public by charging only P8 for the meantime when classes opens this week.