Friday, September 21, 2007


Gensan Mayor Pedro Acharon, Jr. and Phil. Chamber of Commerce & Industry Area VP for Mindanao Neng Juliano-Tamano (2nd from left) cut the ribbon indicating the formal opening of the 16th Mindanao Business Conference Trade Fair at the KCC Mall, Thurs, Sept. 20, 2007. Also in the photo are Dept. of Trade and Industry's Assistant for Southwestern Mindanao Doris Delima (extreme left) and Gensan First Lady Dr. Rose Acharon (partly hidden behind the mayor). More than 300 members of the different chambers of Mindanao are expected to attend the conference proper starting Sept. 21 at the KCC Convention Center. The last time the Minbizcon was held in Gensan was in 1995. cmo-gensan/avel manansala